Monday, July 31, 2006

[Creature Design]-KIRIN -KIRIN from the Creature Core,my original creature design. Pencil sketched and rough paint in Photoshop CS.

Friday, July 28, 2006

[Traditional Painting]-BB King -BB King, the King of Blues,one of the legendary blues guitarist.

[Traditional Painting]-All that Jazz -I always like the phenomenon of jazz vibes,this one is painted with mixed media,watercolour,gouache and poster-colour.

[Vehicle Design]-Wadaigo -Future bike design. 'Wadaigo' means Japanese traditional festival drum in japanese. It represent the vibrant and the powerful futuristic engineering of the X-Runner machine.

[Character Design]-Violent Storm -This is the coloured panel for the Galatic Assault Trooper,including the colour sample of the 'Dark Ranger Trooper' and the green camouflaged 'Jungle Trooper'.

[Character Design]-Violent Storm -Galatic Assault Trooper concept sketch. My original concept design of a game-play character,this one is black/white pencil sketch.

[Character Design]-Agape Team -This is a coloured pin-up for my comic did for a non profit Christian Publishing Organization. The Agape Team is a group of X-Gen teenagers ,who fight against the evil-professor and his Tin-army to save the world with love.
[Character Design]-Agape Team Character -More Agape Team Characters. Paint in photoshop.

[Character Design]-SAFARI -This is everyone from the 'SAFARI Kingdom',one of my children's book approach,say Hi!
[Character Design]-Devilman -Devilman is inspired by japanese superhero like the 'Kamen-Rider',Zet-man..they're all Dark-Hero,I kinda like these theme.

[Character Design]-Mobile Scout & Maid -This one is an experiement illustration for tryout the new Painter 9 latest feature,I use acrylic and air-brush for the painting.

[Character Design]-Mecha Ninja -One of the villain from the viscious mechanical ninja empire.

[Character Design] - Sniper Ninja -This is one of the main chracter from my original ninja comic. Paint with Painter 9 and retouch in Photoshop CS.